Monday, April 28, 2014

Big Bad Test

Last week was the grand finale of our "Testing Season." Throughout the week I began to see an increase of parents and educators posting prayer requests on Facebook about the STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness). While I am all about praying for our students and teaching staff I grew more concerned with each post. And then I opened my big mouth...

Many comments ensued and I attempted to help my friends understand that they control the lens through which the assessment is seen. It's all about PERSPECTIVE!
I kept getting the same question, "But what if my child has all As and then doesn't pass the test?" For me, this is less of an assessment issue and more of an alignment issue. If your child has all As and can't pass the test that is given over the standards for which he receives As I would have some difficult conversations with the classroom teacher.
Another question was asked, "What if my child fails?" To this I say use this as a stepping stone. Work with the teaching staff to devise a plan for success. One failing grade does not have to be a trend.
It's all about perspective.
STOP allowing numerical data to define our children. No number on any assessment will determine who they are, how much they are loved, or their lifelong potential.
Admittedly, I am not a huge fan of standardized tests when they are used improperly. I feel like we expect teachers to differentiate instruction. Therefore we should (and do)  use differentiated assessments to measure understanding of taught concepts.
So what is the BIG scare? While I think that we can and should use multiple modalities to assess students I do not think that standardized tests are going anywhere. We are required to complete assessments to drive a car, apply for most jobs, get into college, and become certified for most professions. If schools really exist to prepare global citizens to navigate the world in which we live isn't it important to give them the necessary tools?
Special thanks to @DrMattParker for the encouragement! :) Check out his blog for more on testing:

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