Saturday, April 26, 2014

An Open Letter to "Count Downers"

Being an educator is the most rewarding career one can choose. In addition to the hugs, kisses, and sweet words of encouragement comes lots of responsibility. When I received my first teaching assignment a non-educator friend purchased a gift for me. When I opened it it was appley-teacher sign that said, "Teachers live for June, July, & August." Thus began my despise of the countdown. 

I love countdowns. I count down the days until a fun trip, birthdays, and other exciting life events. But one particular countdown, and I see it more and more with the influx of social media, is the countdown until summer vacation, which I absolutely despise. 
  • Yes, I am human. 
  • Yes, I have a family. 
  • Yes, I love to sleep late.
  • Yes, I love the summer. 
However, every student I encounter may not go home to a mom who loves the summer time snuggles of her children. Therefore our beautifully constructed "Blast Off to Summer" bulletin boards may bring about a dreaded time for some. It may remind our students that they won't have books, routines, nurturing, or even food. Is that what we want students to perceive as our celebration?

Furthermore, as educators do we want the world to think we became teachers for the summer off? We, as educators, want respect. We want our voices heard. We love our students. So let's act like it. Take down your countdowns! Celebrate the learning, and quit wishing away your lives and the lives of our students. 

Let's all learn to live in the moment we are in. Live like this is the last opportunity to impact the lives of your students. 

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