Sunday, February 9, 2014

We Are the Light of the World

As we sang this song in church today I thought about our school, staff, and students. Often times we get into a profession and it is just a job. In order to be an effective educator, and especially a leader, I believe it has to be a calling. You have to see, know, and understand that there is something greater.

I think about the students I taught, my precious 22, and the way they each changed my life in some way. It is our duty to be life changers. This is why I believe education isn’t a job, but a calling. I feel called to be where I am.

So how do we minister to our school, staff, and students?  I’m pleased to say we cover every need we know about.

·         We minister to our staff by smiling, sending encouraging cards or emails, providing small treats, and luncheons. This is definitely not our strength and we are working to be better.
  • Not only do we provide breakfast and lunch  to students, but we send home weekend food for students who would otherwise go hungry.
·         When a student’s home burned down we collected not only clothes, but household items to help them get back on their feet.

·         When a student’s family has turmoil our counselor is fearless to get in and help in any way possible.

·         When students are worried about the safety of a parent we make home visits during the day to ensure that all is well.

·         When parents need job assistance we point them to agencies that can assist.

·         When parents need help advocating for proper medical treatment we assist.

·         When students need uniforms or shoes we rally to provide those items.

·         We have parent education nights and serve dinner.

·         We give away free books to students and families.

·         We have mentors from church organizations and the University’s athletic department who read to and mentor students

·         We collected donations to ensure that students received Christmas gifts.
Shot clinics, translations, transportation and so much more fall under this umbrella that we call school. In addition to all of these “non-school” items we do our best to provide students with a 21st Century education. We know the plight. We see in our neighborhoods what happens to those who are uneducated, and the life isn’t luxurious. We know the generational poverty cycle all too well, and we want more for our students. We demand more! It is about so much more than just educating in content areas. It is about creating a culture and building a team that exists to change the world, one person at a time.

A good friend told me if you spend your entire life and only change one person for the better your existence was worth it. We have the opportunity to impact over 800 children and their families-don’t waste it!

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