Friday, February 14, 2014

Perfection is Paralyzing

There comes a time when we have to stop planning, stop waiting, and just start doing. The time is always now. 

Easier said than done for some! I say to my students & staff, "Fail Forward." However, I require or attempt perfection for myself. I hold on to thoughts & ideas until it is, what I believe, perfect. 

Sometimes, it is better to just let go & do. Allow the process to perfect the practice. 

A prime example of this learning mindset is Fired up Friday (FUF). FUF wasn't always considered a positive solution to small group instruction. In fact, there was a time when the first F stood for a four letter word at BQJ. FUF started out as a crazy idea thrown out by our principal, but it has morphed into the most exciting way to begin each Friday. 

Initially, students were intimidated by the shift, but now they anticipate it. Each week the process is perfected, breakfast is more seamless, the message is increasingly profound, and instructional minutes are maximized. Until now, 6 weeks into inception, students are begging for more. They want FUF daily.  They want the edu-pep rally to be the expectation not the exception. Teachers are noting a difference in the "want to" of reluctant learners. 

This shift in thinking has brought about an equal shift in data. We are moving kids at the low, low price of FREE and without any worksheets. 

Miracles still exist at the expense of trying something new, fully prepared to go back to the drawing board each week to perfect the process. 

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