Monday, July 14, 2014

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

I recently read this article:

The author seems to be concerned about the amount of time students spend on structured learning activities rather than constructive based play.  I am an advocate for developmentally appropriate practices. However, I am also keenly aware of the research that ties long term achievement to students' earliest success in school.

What are your thoughts?

How do we find balance between work & play in the kindergarten classroom?

I can't wait to hear from you!

Weekly Newsletter #1:

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the author understood the academic labels the teachers used for the blocks of times in their schedules. For example, "centers, "learning stations", and "free choice" are listed separately in the schedules provided from the structured learning times. This would be the play time such as blocks, legos, dramatic play, etc. These schedules look very similar to what you might see at ckc. Therefore this article is misleading to those not in the education field or perhaps not teaching in a primary classroom. To address the issue at hand, it is important that we effectively and thoroughly involve our students in discovering the teks and guidelines for our grade level. Unfortunately, this often means shaving time from much loved activities that we remember from childhood such as arts and crafts, puppets, home center, etc. On the other hand, character building is essential in producing lifelong citizenship and this is most effectively taught through role play, teambuilding activities and games, and play time. Yes, they need both! How do we do it? That's the magic of's a balancing act.
