
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
For me, success is finding BALANCE in those things that make you happy (whatever those things are). Success does not look the same for each person or for the same person in a different season of her life. Success if ever-changing, always evolving, failing, and growing.
When I think about success from the standpoint of a reader I do not see how it is much different. A successful reader takes on a balanced approach. Changing, evolving, failing, and growing are all part of being a successful reader.
If we begin to embrace that definition of successful reading how would our reading instruction change?
Our goal as teachers is not to teach students to read, but to teach students to love to read. I cringe at the sound of someone saying reading "program." Most reading programs are sequential and rigid. Teaching reading is neither. Teaching reading is MESSY. Find out what the student is most interested in, peak his interest, give him reading material that is not always a book. The most effective way to not only teach a child to read, but teach a child to LOVE to read is to know the student. Programs don't come with that information pre-loaded in a cute cart with a flash drive!
Reading instruction takes work. Capitalizing on the student's strengths and building on his deficits are the best way to teach students who love to read!
Over the course of the next weeks I will be sharing strategies what I consider to be most effective reading strategies. These strategies are not ordered or rigid...they are BALANCED. By balanced I mean that they incorporate all modalities and take into consideration word study, writing, whole group instruction, small group instruction, fluency, and independent practice.
If you want to learn more about balanced or comprehensive literacy please follow myself @JennGRoach and my partner in crime @bethhill2829 as we embark on this journey together. The first week in June we will host our inaugural #complitchat to learn and share all things balanced or comprehensive literacy. We haven't decided a time so please leave us a proposed day or time in the comments or tweet us with what you think would be most convenient.
Until next time, READ on! :)